Thursday, December 11, 2008

Nature or Nurture

I am inquisitive by nature. I am of the mindset that everything happens for a reason. What is the reason? I want to know the 'why' behind everything. I spend too much time trying to figure it all out. This slows me down. I find myself trapped in memories; the pieces that make up the puzzle. There are always moments you cannot erase, those 'wish I would've...', 'I could kick myself for....' saying/not saying/going/not going (you get the point) times in life. I need to live and learn.

My belief has always been that the person we become as we grow is a result of neither nature nor nurture, but a combination of both of these things. Your values and personal beliefs are a result of your upbringing and your experiences throughout life. In the moments that we think about, and play over again in our heads, our actions at the time were reflections of who we are. If we become wise enough to open-mindedly decipher if an action taken was right or wrong, we allow ourselves to learn. We allow ourselves to learn more about the world we live in and we allow ourselves to learn more about ourselves. That is when we stop letting ourselves be spoon-fed information and begin to process it on our own. Find your passion and allow yourself to see things another way. Live and learn.

Different actions make for different endings. By dwelling on it, you get stuck in some ephemeral compilation of fleeting moments in life. I wonder, is hindsight REALLY 20/20? It is true that things could turn out a different way if a different course of action is taken most times. But if it was, the shape of our lives could be altered. Accept things as they are. Mistakes made were just that. That realization in and of itself makes the future different. Each moment is lived only once. The secret, I believe is not to make the SAME mistake again. Live....and learn.



Definition of Motivation

The definition of motivation is to give reason, incentive, enthusiasm, or interest that causes a specific action or certain behavior. Motivation is present in every life function. Simple acts such as eating are motivated by hunger. Education is motivated by desire for knowledge. Motivators can be anything from reward to coercion.

There are two main kinds of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is internal. It occurs when people are compelled to do something out of pleasure, importance, or desire. Extrinsic motivation occurs when external factors compel the person to do something. However, there are many theories and labels that serve as sub tittles to the definition of motivation. For example: "I will give you a candy bar if you clean your room." This is an example of reward motivation.

A common place that we see the need to apply motivation is in the work place. In the work force, we can see motivation play a key role in leadership success. A person unable to grasp motivation and apply it, will not become or stay a leader. It is critical that anyone seeking to lead or motivate understand "Howletts Hierarchy of Work Motivators."

Salary, benefits, working conditions, supervision, policy, safety, security, affiliation, and relationships are all externally motivated needs. These are the first three levels of "Howletts Hierarchy" When these needs are achieved; the person moves up to level four and then five. However, if levels one through three are not met, the person becomes dissatisfied with their job. When satisfaction is not found, the person becomes less productive and eventually quits or is fired. Achievement, advancement, recognition, growth, responsibility, and job nature are internal motivators. These are the last two levels of "Howletts Hierarchy." They occur when the person motivates themselves (after external motivation needs are met.) An employer or leader that meets the needs on the "Howletts Hierarchy" will see motivated employees and see productivity increase. Understanding the definition of motivation, and then applying it, is one of the most prevalent challenges facing employers and supervisors. Companies often spend thousands of dollars each year hiring outside firms just to give motivation seminars.

Another place motivation plays a key role is in education. A teacher that implements motivational techniques will see an increased participation, effort, and higher grades. Part of the teacher’s job is to provide an environment that is motivation ally charged. This environment accounts for students who lack their own internal motivation. One of the first places people begin to set goals for themselves is in school. Ask any adult: "What is the main thing that motivates you." Their answer will most likely be goals. Even the simplest things in life are the result of goal setting. A person may say, "I want to save 300.00 for a new T.V." Well, that is a goal. School is where we are most likely to learn the correlation between goals, and the definition of motivation. That correlation is what breeds success.

So, as you can see, motivation is what propels life. It plays a major role in nearly everything we do. Without motivation, we would simply not care about outcomes, means, accomplishment, education, success, failure, employment, etc. Then, what would be the point?

Wendy Pan
