Saturday, February 28, 2009

Don't Doggy Paddle Through Life

We spend more time and money doggy paddling through life than actually learning how to swim different strokes that take us from where we are to where we want to be.

There is the butterfly stroke (the most challenging), the breast stroke, the side stroke, the back stroke, the front crawl and free style swimming.

We limit ourselves to bathtubs, pools and ponds when there are oceans out there waiting for us.

It doesn't matter how young or old you are, you can learn how to swim. Once you discover different strokes, rarely do you go back to doggy paddling; it doesn't feel natural and it limits your breath, speed and distance.

So why do we doggy paddle in our personal, professional and spiritual lives?

It becomes comfortable, or we haven't learned a different way, or we have forgotten that there are other strokes that enhance our overall quality and well being in life.

Fearful thoughts and old mindsets (beliefs and patterns) keep us from exploring different strokes and oceans. They keep us paddling around the problem rather than swimming through it and onto other horizons.

When you connect to essence, consciousness, Infinite Intelligence, The Source, The Universe, God, you gain wonderful and creative insights (strokes). These insights are always available in all situations if you become still and trust the wisdom.

Being still and listening to these strokes of genius or brilliance can be difficult, like the butterfly stroke, let alone the trusting them.

Once you become comfortable with these strokes you won't be doggy paddling anymore.

You will be swimming in the great oceans of consciousness and loving the freedom of choice.

How do we connect to this fountain of knowledge and gain those strokes of insight?

It's simple really; all you have to do is become still and open to receiving. Whatever situation(s) or person(s) you feel is creating the perceived challenge or stress, you will become still and open to receiving an insight (stroke) as to how to handle the problem.

Once you begin to trust receiving, you are well on your way to believing and achieving different strokes of possibilities.

In no time at all, you will be out of the ponds and into the oceans.

Does that mean you won't ever doggy paddle again or be in a pond? No, but it does mean you are quicker to recognize this and will remember to dive in and swim freely with some new strokes.

So what do you say? Are you willing to learn some new strokes or are you going to continue to paddle through life?

Remember , when you Shine, the world shines brighter because of you!

Kimberley Cohen is the Founder, Facilitator and Personal Insight Coach of The Insight Technique™. She is certified in Body Mind Counselling, Process Oriented Body Work and Spiritual Psychotherapy. She founded the Insight Technique™ - Your Insight to genuine Happiness, Purpose and Prosperity to assist herself and others in uncovering and discovering their brilliance. To question and understand your thinking so you can transform what blocks and limits you from living the life you desire and deserve. Or "living your dreams".

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Having the Right Attitude

As a musician and producer second guessing myself too much can be a very bad habit. There is a tendency to wonder If anything you do is very good, or if anyone would like it. This is the wrong attitude to have doing anything in life, but is particularly destructive for anyone creative.

We tend to think of our projects as children. We want people to like them, we want people to like us for creating them. The problem is you are setting yourself up for heartbreak and pain. Of course some of that is unavoidable. After all, you can crawl backwards for people and some will still ask why you didn't do it over glass. As in, some people are never satisfied and some people are just jerks. There is nothing you can do about that. Realizing and accepting that fact is hard, but necessary.

The key to the whole thing is not trying to please everyone. Please yourself first. If it sounds (looks, feels, works, etc) good to (for) you, then other people will like it. After you have the right attitude, it's a matter of finding those people. We all like to think we are islands in the ocean, the simple truth is there are millions of people just like you. Find them, and you have your audience.

As a musician I want people to listen to my music. As a business man I want them to like it enough to buy it. There is a direct conflict here. Particularly to someone anti-corporation like myself. On one hand I would like to just give away my music for everyone to listen to. On the other hand I work hard to create my music and want to be able to make a living from it. The solution for me was simple. I have music I sell, and I also make and give away songs and albums.

So you need to remember you really can do anything you want if you're willing to put the work in, and take the lumps with the praise. All problems have solutions, there is no problem so gigantic it can't be overcome with planning and perseverance. The reason people fail is because they give up.

I approach life with a never say die attitude, I hope I have helped you find a little of that for yourself.

My name is Ryan and My love in life is music. Listening to it, making it and exploring it.

Music really is my drive in life.

I created to help people learn to make their own music, and to showcase my own. I would like to share my love of music and the joy that comes with creating your own, with everyone.

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